Vegas at his 2 Month Checkup! Pre-shots which made him angry! |
Daddy snuggles before bed. That is a canvas of our awesome maternity photo in the background! |
Baby Vegas is a serious looking little guy. Most of his pictures have him staring at you intently with his great big eyes. I love it. He saves up all his gummy grins for Mommy and Daddy. Although now at the end of his 2nd month, he is starting to be a little more of a ham for the camera.
Hanging with my Uncle B |
So serious. |
He still sleeps pretty poorly, especially during the day. He rarely settles down for a long nap unless we've tuckered him out with a bath or we're out running around. He sleeps best very tightly swaddled, and he needs absolute quiet to stay asleep or he'll be up in no time at all. Right now he is napping but my typing keeps waking him up! This makes it really hard at night with Daddy snoring or Mommy tossing and turning, so we're all very ready to transition into the nursery instead of the bassinet. Except emotionally, I guess, because when Mommy mentioned that maybe Vegas would do better sleeping down the hall, Daddy vetoed the idea because he thinks he is still too little. Awww...
Right now he does a last feed before we all settle down for bed around 10, then he usually wakes up hungry again around 2-3, and is up for the day at 7. Every third day or so he'll sleep solidly from 10-6 or 7, but I have no idea why or how to make it happen again. Hahaha!
3 loves of my life. Hubs is such a fantastic Daddy. |
Baby Vegas is a champ with errands though. He barely makes a peep and usually sleeps the entire time. I have changed my grocery shopping over to Target now because I use the Cartwheel app to save a ton of money, and because they have the handy baby carriers attached to their shopping carts. He is still pretty slouchy in them, but with receiving blankets tucked all around him he is very comfy and safer than if I put our own carrier on top of a cart. I tried wearing him in a wrap or carrier a couple times while shopping, but he is still so little that when I need to bend over to pick up big bags of dog food or something on a low shelf I feel like his head doesn't have enough support. Whether that is true or just my paranoid mom-brain I can't tell ya, but for now it isn't my favorite way to shop.
I still love my baby carriers - my Moby and my new Ergo are my favorite baby "toys"... they settle him down easily and are great for walking out to the bus stop and waiting for Little Man. As for Vegas, his favorite "toys" right now are his play gym, swing, and his Boppy pillow (not to be confused with a boppy nursing pillow, this one is more of a baby lounger). I am not really a fan of bathtime right now because I can't find a way to be comfortable while I bathe him in his tub chair, and he is very slippery for "on-the-counter in the sink" bathing. I am looking forward to him being a little more stable with his head so baths are easier.
Shopping for groceries with Momma! |
I really want to start taking pictures with a camera instead of my phone. As much as I love having the convenience of a "camera" at my fingertips, I love a good quality photo and these just don't cut it. On the other hand, I love having the ability to just capture a quick moment in my day with the kids and not having to work too hard to do it.
And now we're off to run our errands - meal planning is going well and this month's goal is to buy no meat at all and use up some of our frozen stockpile. We will hopefully save a bit of money that can then go towards Christmas shopping! Don't forget that once Halloween is over, the crazy holiday busy-ness begins...
2 Months old - what a difference a month makes! |